Perhaps you have been hovering above the Zürich area, searching on google maps, trying to find an English-speaking fit for you.
Welcome to my page.
I can only approve that you find interest in hypnosis. It is a wonderful yet simple and natural way to head towards the direction you want to go. If you do not know in which direction you want to move in life, hypnosis can also provide transparency to find out.
There is so much I’d like to share with you here. For now, I will keep it brief. The aim of this section of my Website is to let you know that you found a potential solution (in English) to such or similar questions:
Feeling stuck?
Allergies slow you down?
Maybe you feel helpless or angry due to the havoc left by the political situation.
Having pains?
Feeling depressed or plagued by anxiety?
Need to focus for an examination?
Suffering from sleepless nights?
Are you restricted by any phobias?
Do you need support for accelerated self-healing? Perhaps especially after an operation, or prepare for one?
Are you afraid of death or the future?
Relationship issues?
Stuck with indecisions?
The list goes on and it may sound as if hypnosis can be the solution to so many symptoms and causes of such. Indeed, it can be. The therapy sessions are approached in a way where the clients’ information (spoken or unspoken) is used in and for a hypnotic trance. Hence it is an individually based session and the style and content varies from person to person depending on all exchanged information.
Much has been written about hypnosis. Amazing things and questionable things. A common misunderstanding is that the person in trance “loses control”. The opposite is true. As the person experiencing hypnosis, you have full control of the situation.
If you have been looking for an English-speaking hypnotherapist in Zürich Switzerland who aims to help people to get better every day, is empathetic, professional and does not hesitate to use an appropriate amount of humor when needed, you are welcome to contact me with your light or heavy burdens.
- Noa